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How to write

Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

入 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

入 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 入
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 入
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Meaning of

to enter
xī rù
to breathe in / to suck in / to inhale
wèi rù
rén jūn shōu rù
per capita income / average per capita income
zhuì rù
to drop into / to fall into
mái rù
embedment / immergence / embedding / imbedding / imbed
duò rù
fall into / sink into / land oneself in
bù kān rù mù
unbearable to look at / an eyesore
sāi rù
stuff / cram / insert / put in / tuck in / slip
rù jìng
to enter a country / immigration
wú kǒng bù rù
get in by every opening / be all-pervasive / have a finger in every pie
juǎn rù
to be drawn into / to be involved in
qiàn rù shì ruǎn jiàn
embedded software
qiàn rù
to insert / to embed
qiàn rù shì cāo zuò xì tǒng
embedded OS(embedded operating system)
qiàn rù shì yìng yòng
Embedded application
rù chuān
yìng rù yǎn lián
(idiom) to greet the eye / to come into view
bìng rù
to merge into / to incorporate in
rù kù
be put in storage
guī rù
to assign (to a class) / to classify as / to include
rù chǎng quàn
admission ticket
hèn zhī rù gǔ
to hate sb to the bone (idiom)
chā rù
to insert / to stick / to thrust
sī sī rù kòu
all threads neatly tied up / (lit.) in a loom, each cross thread must be woven into the warp to make a web / intricately woven together / (done) with meticulous care and flawless artistry / right on the best
tuō rù
drag in
yōng rù
crowd into
jǐ rù
to squeeze in / to force oneself into / to cram into / to intrude
càn rù
add / mix / incorporation in / incorporation into / incorporation / soak / blend / dope
bān rù
move in
rù dōng
winter has set in
rù dǎng
to join a political party (esp. the Communist Party)
tóu rù
to throw into / to put into / to throw oneself into / to participate in / to invest in / absorbed / engrossed
shōu rù
to take in / income / revenue / CL:筆|笔[bi3],個|个[ge4]
jiā rù
to become a member / to join / to mix into / to participate in / to add in
shēn rù
to penetrate deeply / thorough
liè rù
to include on a list
chū rù
to go out and come in / entrance and exit / expenditure and income / discrepancy / inconsistent
zhù rù
to pour into / to empty into
shū rù
to import / to input
xiàn rù
to sink into / to get caught up in / to land in (a predicament)
nà rù
to bring into / to channel into / to integrate into / to incorporate
zhuǎn rù
change over to / shift to / switch to
liú rù
to flow into / to drift into / influx / inflow
chún shōu rù
net income / net receipt
fàng rù
put in
yǐn rù
to draw into / to pull into / to introduce
luò rù
to fall into
shè rù
to take in / to absorb / to consume / intake / consumption
shè rù liàng
intake (quantity)
zhuàng rù
bang into
gōng rù
to force entrance into / to score a goal (sport)
rù bù fū chū
income does not cover expenditure / unable to make ends meet
yìng rù
to appear before (one's eyes) / to come to (one's mind)
shā rù
zhí rù
to implant
xiàn rù jiāng jú
come to a deadlock / be at a deadlock / reach an impasse
rù qīn
to invade
qīn rù
to make (military) incursions / to invade / to intrude into / to trespass / to gain unauthorized access (computing)
rù qīn zhě
wù rù qí tú
to take a wrong step in life (idiom) / to go astray
yǐn rù qí tú
rù liàn
to put dead body in coffin
huì rù
to flow into / to converge (of river) / (computing) to import (data)
qìn rù
(usually of sth intangible) to seep into / to permeate
shēn rù qiǎn chū
to explain a complicated subject matter in simple terms (idiom) / (of language) simple and easy to understand
jìn rù
to soak / to dip
yǒng rù
to come pouring in / influx
hùn rù
to sneak into
shèn rù
to permeate
rù shèn
róng rù
dissolve in
yǐn luán rù jīn
Water Diversion Project from Luanhe River to Tianjin City
qián rù
to submerge / to infiltrate / to steal into
guàn rù
inject / infuse / pour into
jiàn rù jiā jìng
better off / get on soundings
rù wǔ
to enter the army / to enlist
jìn rù
to enter / to join / to go into
rù huǒ
to join a group / to become a member
chuán rù
to import / transmitted inwards / afferent
rù yù
to go to jail / to be sent to prison
láng dāng rù yù
lit. to get shackled and thrown in jail (idiom) / fig. to be put behind bars / to get jailed
rù xué lǜ
percentage of children who enter school
qǐng jūn rù wèng
lit. please Sir, get into the boiling pot (idiom) / fig. to give sb a taste of his own medicine
rù mián
to fall asleep
rù shuì
to fall asleep
jiè rù
to intervene / to get involved
rù shì
engaging in politics / be an official / entering the official career
mǎi rù
to buy (finance)
yí rù
immigration / shift-in
tū rù
charge into
cuàn rù
plunge into / jump into
rù jí
to become naturalized / to become a citizen
bìng rù gāo huāng
lit. the disease has attacked the vitals (idiom); fig. beyond cure / the situation is hopeless
jiǎo rù
Pay in
rù ěr
pleasant to the ear
gāo sǒng rù yún
tall and erect, reaching through the clouds (idiom); used to describe tall mountain or skyscraper
róng rù
to blend into / to integrate / to assimilate / to merge
wù rù
stray into / enter by accident / enter by mistake / enter accidentally
yòu dí shēn rù
lure the enemy in deep
rù zhàng
enter an item in an account

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Input Method for
Pinyin ru4
Four Corner
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